Thursday, May 21, 2020

Brutality: A Fuzzer For Any GET Entries

Brutalitys' Features
  • Multi-threading on demand.
  • Fuzzing, bruteforcing GET params.
  • Find admin panels.
  • Colored output.
  • Hide results by return code, word numbers.
  • Proxy support.
  • Big wordlist.

Brutality's Installtion

How to use Brutality?

   Use default wordlist with 5 threads (-t 5) and hide 404 messages (–e 404) to fuzz the given URL (
python -u '' -t 5 -e 404

   Use common_pass.txt wordlist (-f ./wordlist/common_pass.txt), remove response with 6969 length (-r 6969) and proxy at (-p to fuzz the given URL (
python -u '' -f ./wordlist/common_pass.txt -r 6969 -p

ToDo List:
  • Smooth output.
  • Export file report.
  • Modularization.

More info

  1. Hacking Ético Curso
  2. Hacker Definicion Informatica
  3. Que Es Hacker En Informatica
  4. Hacking Ético Con Herramientas Python Pdf
  5. Hacking Simulator
  6. Hacking Y Forensic Desarrolle Sus Propias Herramientas En Python Pdf
  7. Hacking Curso
  8. Hacking Music
  9. Growth Hacking Sean Ellis
  10. Retos Hacking
  11. Que Es Un Hacker
  12. Hacking Websites
  13. Clases De Hacker
  14. Hacking Prank
  15. Mundo Hacker

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