Tuesday, April 2, 2019

PUBG LITE Now Available In 4 More Countries

About two weeks ago, PUBG Corp. made a post regarding PUBG PC Lite version and that it was launched in Thailand for testing. But now PUBG Lite official facebook page posted that it will be available in 4 more countries.....

Through their official facebook page, they announced that the beta version will be released to four more regions in South-east Asia. The regions are Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore.

*If you donot know about PUBG Lite version, you can check out my post about it in full detail here.*

Back to topic, they also mentioned that the beta version will be released on 14th Feb. 2019 while the pre-download for the above given regions will start a day ago i.e. 13th Feb. 2019.

So if you belong to these countries, you are going to taste Chicken Dinner soon.

          But if you donot belong to these countries,then there is no need to worry because for now PUBG is keeping the regions limited only to check whether the games are running smoothly or not. Once they are assured, they will release it globally.

You can visit the official PUBG LITE facebook page here.
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The CollectorVision Phoenix Part 2 - The FPGA System Built By Thieves And Sold On Disinformation

Three blog posts ago, I was rather critical of the CollectorVision Phoenix, an FPGA console which implements the ColecoVision : https://nerdlypleasures.blogspot.com/2018/10/the-collectorvision-phoenix-fpga.html  I said all that I believed needed to be said, but since then I have determined that the console was deserving of further criticism.

Before we go into the specifics of my claims, let's review the basic hardware specifications of the ColecoVision and similar systems which are based off the TMS9928A Video Display Processor (VDP).

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Monday, April 1, 2019

The Untold Sad Story Of Erangel

Erangel, one of the maps of PUBG, is 8×8 km wide containing grass, woodland, urban and sea terrains. According to PUBG team, this map was inspired by a real-life abandoned island located in the black sea near Russia. The story behind this island is full of sadness and sorrowful that might change the way you play this map.

Everyone knows that without struggle there is no success. But the story of Erangel is related to the society who never got the fruit of their struggles.
                  Erangel is a fictional island located in the black sea abandoned near Russia. Once this was a happy island but today there is nothing except silence. What happened to this island that it became an isolated land where not even a person exists?

    The story starts in 1950 when the island was under Soviet forces. They used to test their biological/chemical experiments on the local people. The people became aware of it and they decided to protest against it. A large mass gathering of people protested against this illegal experiments. The military also tried to confiscate the protest and bring it under control. They established electrical fences all over the area to restrict the protesters. In the game, the same thing happens where the players are restricted by the blue zone and they are pressurized to come into a small area. 
                  The protesters didn't give up and gave their best but in the end, they failed. They didn't get the fruit of their struggles and then they decided to leave the island. One after one they left the island leaving the island abandoned.

          Now the same island inspired to Tencent games and they decided to pick this Island as one of the maps of PUBG and they named the island Erangel. The name Erangel was actually inspired by PLAYERUNKNOWN'S daughter Eryn. 

          So guys you have to think now what is the role of PUBG players on this island? Are they the millitary campers who is trying to confiscate the protest or the civilians who are fighting for their own rights? Tell us in the comments section below!